When it comes to batch and serial numbers, there are several common business problems you may encounter in manufacturing, distribution, food and beverage, and several other industries.
In the event of a product recall, seemingly small problems- like missing lot numbers, insufficient details, or general disorganization- can compound and result in total chaos as you lack the product traceability required for your business to survive the recall event.
Attivo ERP, powered by SAP Business One gives you the clear organization, end-to-end visibility, and traceability functionality your business needs. In this video, we’ll show you 3 simple steps you can take in SAP Business One to manage batch and serial numbers and address issues with inventory traceability.
Are patchwork processes, manual tracking and reporting, and other inefficiencies putting your business at risk? Attivo ERP is the best business management software solution for small to midsize businesses that have been crippled by islands of automation and manual errors that have slowed their scalability and profit potential year after year.
With an ERP system in place, your staff will have access to a centralized inventory management database that is updated in real-time. Attivo ERP helps dramatically transform the efficiency of your manufacturing and distribution operations with specific functionality for supply chain, sales management, accounting, quality assurance, customer service, and more.
Click here to learn more about Attivo ERP or email us at [email protected] to request a demo.