Macola databases can become very large over time, especially if you are in a make-to-order business or sell items that frequently become obsolete. Keeping a lot of obsolete items has a very large impact on the efficiency of your Macola system and can be especially troubling if you are preparing for the implementation of new ERP software or any kind of data integration.
Deleting unnecessary items or locations is important because holding on to obsolete data slows down your ERP software. Too many obsolete items make some Macola reports practically worthless. Item searches and other queries take forever. Maintaining standard costs and item master/location data is extremely tedious. Your backup system takes forever. MRP takes all night to run. Sound familiar?
If so, check out our new Item Delete and Restore Utility, which has multiple features that assist with system clean-ups and tremendously improve Macola software efficiency.
Here is what you need to know:
Item Delete Utility
This feature will delete obsolete and unused information such as item master, item location, BOMs and routing data. Using this feature to clean-up your system will save users time when they need to find pertinent information. Users can select items using the “No Transactions in the Last X Months” feature to identify, select and delete any items in the period selected.
Location Delete Utility
This feature provides a grid view for users to easily select or unselect specific locations that are no longer in use within Macola. Users are now able to permit selections of locations using the “No Transactions in the Last X Months” feature to delete any locations that have become obsolete.
Item Restore Utility
In cleaning up your data, you may delete items that customers have not purchased in a long time. However, if a customer calls in for an item that they purchased a long time ago, you’ll want to have that information available. The Item Restore Utility is perfect for “one-off” customers and allows you to restore deleted items, item location BOMs, and routing information related to that item. Your system will be able to run efficiently because it is not loaded with unnecessary data, but you can always restore items when you need them.
Attivo Item Delete and Restore utility is sold as a single system for $2,495 which includes annual maintenance and support. It has a complete user guide, along with a training video on installation and use of the utility. The utility supports Macola Progression, ES, and Macola 10.
How will this new feature benefit my users?
When you take advantage of the Attivo Item Delete and Restore Utility, their look-up capabilities will improve because there is less junk to sift through. With the ability to remove obsolete items and locations, running reports will become significantly faster. MRP processing will also improve, and your company’s inventory control will be more accurate when unnecessary items and locations are deleted.
Improve your reporting and query generation with Attivo Item Delete and Restore Utility today! Contact us to learn more about the Attivo Item Delete and Restore Utility and how your business, employees, and software systems will benefit.